Southern Proper is more than the original Southern men’s fashion brand. It’s a way of life. We’ve helped them enjoy a record-setting way of life every year for the last three years.

Spring Break is all about stirring things up.  And that we did, breaking all Spring sales records.

Fall moves the party to the frat house and record Fall sales.  Like the theme line says, “This dog hunts.”

We invited our male and female followers to watch the SoPro YouTube channel for the biggest moment in Southern Proper history. As brand activists held their own viewing parties, our short video posted and the first SoPro women’s line was launched. Followed by a “phase two” web-social-email campaign.

How do you overlap unveiling a women’s line with unveiling a spring men’s wardrobe? With a “phase three” social media campaign that follows the quirky, misled dating attempts of a couple (dressed in new Southern Proper, of course) until they finally get together.