ATLANTA, GA – Crescent® Tools has long been synonymous with the Crescent adjustable wrench. The challenge was to be known for more than that and to re-energize the brand itself. All in an industry ripe with hollow claims and chest-beating.

Based on research, Atlanta advertising agency BarberWarren positioned Crescent Tools as the true badness of hand and power tools. After all, A true badass never says they’re a badass, much less brag. A true badass lets their actions and the facts speak for themselves.

“Like the influential badass pro target, a true badass is approachable and helps others by their own skilled example,” said Hal Barber, Chief Creative Officer. “They also love brands that are like them – focused on doing their best work, not easily distracted and can share a good chuckle.” See the spots here.

Television and content were shot and produced by 8th Street Productions, Nashville, with British director Nik Piper. Company 3/Method Studios, Atlanta, handled post production and special effects.

Lewis Media Partners, Richmond, VA, a close partner with BarberWarren for several agency and LMP clients, handled media strategy, planning and buying.

Apex Tool Group and Crescent are headquartered in Sparks, MD, with brand and marketing personnel also based in Apex and Charlotte, NC, as well as Lexington and Greenville, SC.

“Crescent not only represented the rare opportunity to re-define and re-energize a legendary brand,” concluded Bob Warren, BarberWarren CEO, “They wanted to do what we do best – create brand activists.”

BarberWarren is a uniquely modeled, full service Atlanta advertising agency, founded in January of 2013 by Bob Warren, CEO, and Hal Barber, Chief Creative Officer. Clients include Artisanal Brewing Ventures, BlackFin Square, Coca-Cola, Crown & Caliber, Gant Medical, Police Security Flashlights and pro-bono clients Global Paint for Charity and Beats The Streets.