There have been several recent articles regarding the need for agency creatives to have a work-life balance. While we don’t disagree, the need is obviously far greater than just with creative people.

It’s a societal disease. And one more difficult here in the US than in countries whose cultures place greater emphasis on life outside of work than we do. Recently, some French friends chuckled, challenging me to change the term “work-life-balance” to “life-work balance”. And after experiencing the way they live and work, it frankly is the better term.

Why? Because life should come first. It’s the big picture. And with it, family life, life with friends, and life passions like art and music. Yes, marketing and advertising, too.

And like art and music, marketing and advertising draw their inspiration from life. From living it, observing it, and sharing it with family and friends.

So yes, the ideas (strategic, creative, client or agency, advertising, or product development) that connect most with consumers are those inspired by, and drawn from, life.

Not from isolation. Not from insulation. Not purely from research and data.

For example, we’d be stunned if the Dove Real Beauty campaign was created by a team void of feelings who’d never looked in a mirror and felt less of themselves due to cultural pressure to look like a model. Or if the e-Trade Baby was created by a team who’d never been around one. And both campaigns were likely championed by clients who have shared those life experiences. Using research and data to support them, sure. But ideas inspired by life.

As a nation, we’re more isolated, insulated and out of touch with humanity than ever before. We feel it. We bleed from it. Sadly, we even die from it. And our communication, brand relevance and campaigns reflect it.

If you’re thinking “yeah, yeah, yeah,” then comb the art galleries. The libraries. The history books. Or for those of us in marketing and advertising, comb the Cannes and NY One Show winners. Whether you believe in the importance of award shows or not, these two are evidence of highly regarded creative shows dominated by countries where creativity in any form is an art. An art reflective of a life-inspires-work way of life.

So yes, get a life. We all, and the work we create, nurture and champion to strengthen our brand, will be better for it.