Product, People, Place and Profit.

It’s the natural order for any successful creatively-driven business. It’s most certainly ours.

Product. Hold the bar for your product high, with integrity and reverence. It is, after all, your brand that’s at stake. Compromise it, tarnish its luster, and you weaken its ability to attract other clients and talented people who want the benefit of your agency’s expertise.

People. In all departments, hire only those capable of clearing and raising the bar. Hold them as high and value them as much as the work they create. Respect them and their right to have a life. By all means fuel their growth and learn from them. Stand tall for them. They are your lifeblood.

Place. It’s more than an energizing, inspiring, creative environment, even if working remotely and gathering or Zooming for meetings. It’s your culture. So don’t just invest in great people. Invest in what they need to thrive – their workspace, tools, values and personality of the entire agency. Lee Lynch, former CEO and founder of Carmichael-Lynch once said, “Environment is a third of your ability.” Treat it as such.

Profit. Keep the order above, charge what you’re worth and you’ll profit. But flip the order and, well, you become a bottom feeder.

Product, People, Place and Profit.

Tougher to adhere to than it is to say.

But a whole lot tougher if you don’t.